1. Do you take health insurance? 

I am considered an out-of-network provider for most insurance companies.  Some people have the ability to use sessions toward meeting their deductible and getting a percentage reimbursed to them.  I would be happy to provide you with an invoice to send in monthly if this is an option for you.  Please check with your provider before your first appointment.

2. What does therapy cost? 

Each session is $200 per visit.  I usually see people on a bi-weekly basis unless symptoms are severe enough to require weekly visits.


I am in the office Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9-5.  I do not work evenings or weekends.  Please note: These hours are subject to change with CDC COVID-19 recommended protocol and school district requirements.

4.  Do you accept Health Savings Cards (HSA)? 

Yes. As long as it has a MasterCard or Visa logo on it. I will provide you with a receipt to submit for reimbursement if you do not have a card. 

5. What type of payment do you accept? 

I accept cash, check, or credit cards that are collected at each session 50-minute session.

6. What should I expect in the first session?

Sessions are 50 min long and during that time I will be gathering a little bit of your history and understanding what you want to work on in counseling.  Once we both have a clear understanding of what you are trying to accomplish and what my role is, we will move forward in developing a plan for treatment. 

7. How long does therapy usually last? 

That depends on the individual and the severity of what they are working through.   I’ve seen people for 3 sessions and I’ve seen them for 3 years.  It just depends on the depth or severity of what we are trying to resolve.  

8. Do you prescribe medication? 

No.  I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and we are not permitted to prescribe medication. You will need to consult with your primary doctor or psychiatrist. 

9.  Are you a spiritual or Christian Counselor? 

No.  You must obtain a separate degree to label yourself with that profession.  However, I am spiritual, and I am a Christian, though I would never impose any of my beliefs on clients unless they ask me to integrate that into their therapy.    

10. Are you able to discuss my case with anyone else? 

No.  Just like any medical provider I am bound by HIPPA and it is illegal for me to disclose any information about you unless you give me a written release to do so.  However, there are circumstances that I may need to discuss the dynamics of your case in clinical supervision to make sure you are getting the best care.  If this is the case, you will be informed and no identifying information about you personally will ever be shared. 

11. Does EMDR really work? 

Yes.  Depending on the client and the circumstances they are dealing with it is highly effective.  Please see my Resources page for more information. 

12. Who do I contact if I am in crisis? 

I will be available after hours for crises & emergencies only.  That ONLY includes if you are suicidal, you or your children are being abused, or are in danger.  If I do not answer, immediately call Crisis Services at 716-831-3131.